About Java Programming Technology
Java Technology is both a Programming Language and a Platform.
Java Programming Language
Java Programming Language is a high level language that is characterised by the following:
ü Simple
ü Object Oriented
ü Distributed
ü Multithreaded
ü Dynamic
ü Portable
ü Robust
ü Secure
In Java Programming language, source codes are written in plain text files ending with .java extension. These source files are then compiled into .class files by the javac compiler. A class file contains bytecodes which is the machine language of Java Virtual Machine (Java VM). The Java launcher tool then runs your application with an instance of the Java Virtual Machine.
Java Platform
A platform is the Hardware or Software on which a program runs. Some platforms include Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Most platforms can be described as a combination of Operating system and Hardware. The Java platform is a Software only Platform that runs on top of other Hardware based platforms. The Java Platform has two components:
The Java Virtual Machine
The Java Application Programming Interface (API)
The Java Virtual Machine is the base for the Java Platform and it’s ported onto various hardware based platform.
The API is a collection of ready made software components that provide useful capabilities. It is grouped into libraries of classes and interfaces, these libraries are known as packages. The API provides the core functionality of the Java Programming Language. Java programs are made up of classes; these classes include pieces called methods. Methods perform tasks and return information when they complete their tasks.
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